For my 11th blog post did another research on dog training. I taught violet to shake and now thats all she wants to do haha. Well for my research I have found a article about a dog who can scent CANCER! I thought it was pretty interesting. So what I have found so far was that the dog can find lung,ovarian, and they are training other dogs to sniff cancer and they are also working on the dogs to sniff bladder cancer. I had also found an article that this lady didn't know she had breast cancer and so the dog went to her chest then started to jump and nuzzle her head. The next day she went to the doctors and they told her she was diagnosed with breast cancer. Before I end this post they are making Mechanical dogs to smell the breathe and they can read the cancer flags. Thats all I have for this and I will prate it next 
For my 10th blog post iI decided to do an article of how important dog training can be. The articles title is "The Fake Smell Of Death". What I have found in it that teaching dogs how to sniff bombs and drugs has been traditionally been more craft than science! The article is saying that they should change that just because they heard a person was dead and buried but the dog made a false statement.They had everything digging and no remains! They believe that dogs trained to be police dogs should not happen because they think the police are getting lazier and not coin g the handy work. In my opinion I think they should not have as many police dogs because some police men don't even try to search for things. I also think they only try when they see broken windows, blood, and fighting. What do you think they should do with police dogs?
Over the Spring break I had trained my dads to lay and I couldn't update it on Sunday because I did not have internet connection. But yea I trained my dads dog to lay. I did that by giving him a milk bone. He is a very talented dog because he knows how to shake hands, give fives, sit. Thats all i got for this blog post!
For my eight blog I will be going to my dads for he spring break and train his Grate Dan/Irish Setter. I will be teaching him how to lay. I will be a having a week off and that will get me ready for th
For this blog post I will be attending my uncles to train Violet and make her stay in one spot fo
Hey guys! I'm sorry I wont be able to train her again this weekend because of the snow storm we are supposed to have. But I can try my dads dog. His dog is an Irish Setter and Great Dan mix. It is going to be a little challenging because he is a bit tall. I will get it done this weekend when I go up there this weekend.  
I won't be able to train Violet this weekend because I will be going to my dads which is out of town. I got a similar picture I found on google and Violet is a female and I believe this is a male. I will be back to train her next weekend and Violet is a little heavier than this pit bull in the left. 

So far i got her (violet) to sit. First we got her attention, then I had dog treats in my pocket. I then proceeded to tell her to sit and pressed her butt down. I pressed her butt down to know that is what I want her to do. So I got her to sit a few times and she is now starting to listen to "sit". I will post a video on my 3rd blog post. 
I'm Cristian and for my 20time I will be training my uncles dog. Its a full blooded-pit and is playful and friendly. I will be getting a photo of the dog this weekend. We adopted her from a animal shelter and we were shocked that nobody has picked her up. So...we went and got her and she was fixed and ready to go. This is what I got for my 20time. 


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2014

